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Our dental team are friendly & helpful. They will do everything they can to assist you with your emergency.


Frequent visits to your dentist are essential to ensure the health of your gums and teeth. Regular check-ups can help detect and treat any issues.

However, emergencies can happen and if you are experiencing pain, a broken tooth, swelling, or bleeding then please call us on 020 8445 5024 to book an emergency appointment.


We will endeavour to see you the same day or will offer you an alternative convenient appointment.

Please contact us if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Swelling of your gum, cheek or face which is spreading. If the swelling is spreading down your neck, up to your eye or along the floor of your mouth YOU MUST ENSURE YOU MENTION THIS when you contact the practice
  • Excruciating pain which is causing a lack of sleep or concentration
  • Mouth ulcers which haven’t healed after two weeks
  • Recently had a tooth extraction and are experiencing bleeding which lasts more than 20 minutes, and can’t be stopped by biting down hard into a hankie/gauze
  • Been following self-help advice for your problem but the pain is getting worse
  • A broken tooth, which is causing pain and damage to your cheek or tongue, that you haven’t been able to manage with self-help advice
  • Knocked-out a tooth
  • Controlled bleeding due to facial trauma



Opening Hours

Monday: 8.30 AM – 5.00 PM
Tuesday: 8.30 AM – 4.00 PM
Wednesday: 8.30 AM – 5.00 PM
Thursday: 8.30 AM – 5.00 PM
Friday: 8.30 AM – 5.00 PM
Saturday: By prior appointment
Sunday: Closed

020 8445 5024SPECIAL OFFER